Cherished Place
UNCA's Urban Forest is a Cherished Place
"This lovely forest is bordered by Weaver Boulevard, Broadway and the neighborhood of Five Points. It’s 1 mile from downtown. Over the decades, thousands of residents from Five Points, Montford and beyond have enjoyed this forest as a local green reprieve from our urban stressors." Anne Walch, Letter: UNCA, don't raze the forest
Photo of UNCA's Urban Forest in the Five Points Neighborhood by EP
“It’s our community spot. There is so much heart here," said Alix Doddridge, an organizer of the "Save the Woods" effort. from Asheville Citizen-Times article: UNC Asheville Urban Forest valuable to students, wildlife, community; preservation is key
Sacred Space
“It’s where I’ve made my community over the last few years. I’ve met really good friends in there. It’s where my dog has her friends, and it became a really sacred space to me,” UNCA Student Olivia Goldstein, from Five Points community unites to preserve UNCA’s urban forest through development concerns