Letters & Press
Letters from the Community, UNCA Faculty, Staff, Alumni, and Students
Letter by Tyler Emerson-Dorsch--Mountain Xpress: Keeping UNCA’s forest would benefit city
Letter by Anne Walch--Mountain Xpress: UNCA, don't raze the forest
2025-03-20 AVL Watchdog: Debate over woods asks, what kind of university does UNCA want to be?
2025-03-19 Mountain Xpress: "Chancellor's Puzzle Page," Brent Brown Cartoon, Page 7
2025-03-19 UNCA explores options for urban forest, sparking community concerns
2025-03-17 UNC Asheville chancellor says campus properties, including urban forest, will be developed
2025-02-19 Biltmore Beacon: Potential for development of UNCA urban forest sparks alarm
2025-02-18 Asheville Citizen Times: Group calls to 'Save the UNCA Woods' at rally on campus
2025-02-16 828newsNOW: Update: UNC Asheville addresses ‘Save the woods’ neighborhood movement
2025-02-15 WLOS: Protestors at UNC Asheville rally to protect campus urban forest from development
2025-02-14 The Blue Banner: A glance at Save UNCA Woods
2025-02-03 Mountain Xpress: Five Points residents rally to preserve wooded area owned by UNCA
2025-01-28 WLOS: UNC Asheville's land assessment sparks community outcry for forest preservation
2025-01-21 AVL Watchdog: Answer Man: What is UNC Asheville doing on wooded property near Five Points?